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   My Saturday mornings consist of me volunteering at my music program, I help mentor the students in the younger orchestra and help the teaching artist in anything they need help with relating to music. 

Service Learning Project : Hour of Code

We ourselves had to earn a certificate in a game we where we commanded by coding. Then we had to mentor someone who doesn't have experience with coding and have them receive a certificate as well. 

How did you prepared for this project? Explain.


  • In preparing for this project, I had to get a certificate myself. I had to go through the games as well. I in reality have been preparing for this since sophomore year. Learning the most and best I can, I have been gaining the knowledge I would need to teach someone else and answer any questions they have or any information I would need to inform them of how computer science works and why it is important in this new technological world.


How was your experience before, during, and after this project? From beginning to end.


  • Before doing this project, I thought well coding is very simple, it is like the exercise of making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but when you are teaching someone that is new to this whole computer science world. It’s funny and makes you think of how you will explain things in a way that they thoroughly understand.  After the project I felt accomplished as well as the person I taught. They learned something new as well as I did. We both had a fun learning experience and it felt nice teaching someone something i've been learning about for the last three years.


What did you learn? How do you better understand working and teaching others? Explain.


  • In doing this project I learned how teaching can not be the same for other people. People learn in many different ways and in doing this I realized how differently people’s mind work. What might be easy for you is hard for another, what might be hard for you is easy for another. It’s actually quite fascinating to see and realize that.  


What was easy, hard, explain why?


  • For me doing this project was fairly easy. I have had past experience in teaching and in the hour of code. When I was a freshman i took an elective course with Ms.Aaronson and we did the hour of code, so I have done this before. It was definitely a different experience now because i’m more educated on computer science now and understand it better then when I was in freshman year. I think most people underestimate how frustrating it is to code and to learn how to code. At first it’s all easy and fun but slowly it gets frustrating and people see that but when you get it, it feels great to know you are problem solving. That is how it felt to the person I assisted in the hour of code.


How that this project benefits our community? Explain.


  • This project benefits our community by teaching people something new. I think that itself is beneficial to any community. It also helps by sparking an interest to people about computer science, it is an industry that is growing due to the fact that our world is now more than ever a world based on technology, everywhere you go there's new technologies and computer and phones and laptops. These are all things that require tech savvy people. Therefore by teaching members in our community we are spreading the world of technology and maybe teaching people who are future workers of the technology field.

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